Joanna Koprowicz is an Agile - Lean consultant, who is an expert in Business Agility, Agile-Lean Transformation and Development of High Performing Agile Teams.
With a background in technology and business, she developed a career in consulting and leadership development, working on bringing a positive change across a wide range of organisations, sectors and cultures. Joanna has worked with organizations in the following industries; gaming, aviation, e-learning, tourism and travel and financial sector incl. banking and insurance.
Joanna also has a masters degree in Project Management, from UCD Michael Smurfit Business School. Additionally, she holds numerous Agile certifications and is an approved provider of Agile & Lean Training and Consulting by Enterprise Ireland, IDA and Local Enterprise Office. She’s also authorized by the International Consortium for Agile to run the certified ICP-AHR trainings.
She has helped coordinate Agile-Lean events internationally and is a board member of Agile-Lean Ireland. Joanna is a very active member of the Global Agile Community. She both organizes and speaks at various Agile-Lean events. In 2018-2019 she was on the European Scrum Gathering Team with Scrum Alliance.
Joanna is committed to help organizations to create great workplaces where everybody thrives.